Friday, January 08, 2010

Morning Sky & Afternoon Chai

Where are you from?

Now that practice starts this Sunday Mysore is filling up fast with students. Earlier this week it was just me and Vivian at her sweet little breakfast place on Shala Rd. After practicing with Thomas this morning we went there together and the place was packed. People have started to ask me where I am from. I don’t really know how to answer that question. I know they mean, “Where did you come from to get here?” That answer is Providence, RI. Sometimes I stop there and sometimes if they know that area I explain that I am there temporarily because of my husbands’ high ambitions and extreme talent.

Practice this morning was so nice. To stand next to someone and chant the opening mantra together I felt recharged. I felt connected to my practice partner, myself, to Guruji and the lineage of Ahtanga Yoga. It feels like going far away is just what you need to feel close to home. On my arrival in Mysore I received an email wishing me a happy New Year from a dear student and its message with sutra like precision said it all, “I hope this year brings you lots of adventure, tons of peace and much happiness in your heartland (India) and homeland (Providence)."

1 comment:

Judy Manning said...

Enjoy the unity....and the SUN as we woke up to SNOW! love u