Thursday, March 03, 2011

Namo Namah (India Flashback)

Mysore, 2006, first trip

As Beth left Mysore I went with her to snap some photos of her and Sharath and Saraswati. When Beth thanked Saraswati for all her help with back bending she smiled and simply said, "it is my duty." She is an example of pure LOVE for her fathers work and legacy. At nearly 70 years old she is a force assisting Sharath in the early morning, teaching her own classes one at 8am and again at 4.30pm.

"First you want to respect the teachers who brought this yoga to you. Guru-that is the mula (root, base). If you don't give that respect there is not coming God. That is very important. Some people change it, but it is just their ego. Think who is the best teacher, and go there. If you keep changing teachers, it is not correct. You will get confused. When your mind is strong, you stay with one teacher. You go everywhere and try, then when you find one, you follow that one person. When you meet the right one, you will know in your heart."

-Saraswathi Rangaswamy from Guruji


Claudia said...

She is a force of nature indeed! thank you for posting this, and loving you with the long hair... sweet :-)

Mike Repede said...

I remember many years ago asking my (divorced) parents and (married) grandparents how I would know I had found the right woman to marry. Given my parents' experience, I was very concerned about making the right choice the first time. It wasn't very satisfying at the time, but the answers I got were very similar to that line:

"When you meet the right one, you will know in your heart."