Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Keil Envy"

I am suffering from a rather serious case of what I am referring to as, "Keil envy." In the last 24 hours I have received so many messages from people back home who are working with one of the best yoga teachers I have ever met. I am very happy and humbled to say that he has been a great influence on my practice, and in turn my life. He is probably the biggest reason that I am here in India (for the third time in less than two years) and thus the Keil himself is why I am now suffering from Keil envy. There must be a lesson here.

Here are some highlights that you all wrote me that have me living vicariously through you:

"I am flying high!"
"both of us are good and sore."
"something stirred of how good it was to see him, made me happy"
"I was so wiped out by the end, and definitely fell flat on my butt in karandavasana"
"David is like a velvet hammer. I miss your "are you KIDDING me??!!" looks (pre-mayurasana) that always help me through mysore week!"

Missing David Keil very much, but very much so missing all of you!


Pat said...


Is everyone in the Mysore class e-mailing you? If you count my comment as two, that makes all 7 of us.

I love the Thoreau quote, I wander if Louie was aiming at the fender of the guy behind us today--he didn't seem to be aiming!

Boy am Mysore!
Your corny aunt by marriage,


Ewopen said...

i am mysore, too.