Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sip Slowly

I had a great practice today in my sweet yoga room at home. My practice buddy Victoria joined me and with our friend the space heater we both got good and hot. The weather is very phlegm-y today.

I have been teaching students more slowly this round in Providence. I feel supported by Sharath's style of being in absolutely no rush when it comes to "giving" out poses. I have been practicing this style of yoga for 4 years now with 4 trips to Mysore in my experience and I have never injured myself and despite what some may say I feel great most of the time when I am practicing regularly. It is when I am not practicing with steadiness that the pains come. Maybe this is because I have two beloved teachers one lives in South Flordia and the other in South India and for the most part I have worked much of the material on my own. These teachers have taught me to sip the practice slowly. Sharath often says in led class, "why you hurry?" What a great question.



Amanda said...


Cyn said...

my teacher seems to think that glaciers must melt before the sipping even begins. I've been at garba pindasana for about a year and half now...