Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sound Practice

Sound Practice: An Early Morning Intensive w/Jill Manning
Space is Limited

Wake Up Yoga Fairmount

Monday, October 4th - Friday, October 8th

6am - 8am

Contribution: $108.

Wake Up Yoga teachers/TT grads receive a 15% discount

There are over 25 definitions for the word sound. They range from the intensely scientific to a softer qualitative expression. This week we will explore the many meaning of sound in conjunction with our ever-expanding experience of practice.

Practice means repeat, repetition builds strength...what are you repeating?

Along with a week that is chocked full of breath, and bandha. There will be an opportunity to go deep with commitment and consistency in the asana exploration. Perhaps the most exciting element of the week will be the practice of Shruti parampara. Shruti parampara is the practice where one hears and then memorizes in their heart for further retention and dissemination. This is they style in which we will have daily study of the yoga sutras from Pada 1.1 all the way up to and including Patanjali's own definition of sound practice.

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