Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow Falling....Spring Calling

This is just a quick note to share my excitement for the hatching of
Spring. Even as I sit here in my office feeling like I am in my very own
snow globe, I know that all this wetness is just the nourishment that
nature needs to fully come into bloom.

I have just updated my Spring workshop schedule on, so be
sure to check it out...there are loads of juicy offerings, workshops that
will have you dropping back, wrapping around your Self, and experiencing
your inner Shiva.

I have been reading this lovely little book from Thich Nhat Hanh titled,
The Blooming of a Lotus. It is helping me during these very confusing,
and uncertain times feel a bit less stressed, a bit more at home with what

"In letting go, we learn that true happiness can only come by way of
freedom, an awakened life, and the practice of love and compassion."

Love. Compassion.


Anonymous said...

i hope when you need love and compassion you know you can always come to me,i mean that jill from the bottom of my heart.lisa d

Anonymous said...

more blog please
thank you