Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kernel Panic

I haven't been blogging lately because I am finding that my frustration level surrounding yoga/yoga teaching here in the hope state has been steadily increasing. Because of this frustration I will not go into detail and I realize the frustration that I place out there in the world comes from inside myself and therefore I must treat me first.

I couldn't be more excited to be heading to Philadelphia tomorrow for a full week of teaching a sold out early morning retreat week. I am also aiming to get some practice time in with Noah Williams and let the inflammation of irritation subside.

I miss India. I miss having a community. I miss juicy yoga talk with friends and colleagues who struggle to know more and who aren't satisfied with yoga platitudes.


Anonymous said...

Yo Pumpkin
hang in there

remember what KCDV wrote...

"In the end it is you and only you. There will be teachers, friends, community, but ultimately you determine your path, your progress, your destination. It is not how others see you, but how you see yourself, connect with that self, and accept that self. Ultimately, that is what matters and that is where happiness is cultivated. From within."

vast universes of love

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, you are also pioneering a new area. Be patient with yourself and others they just have to discover what a great teacher you are and then make the choice to commit. Chin up, all is coming.

Much love....