Friday, April 27, 2007


Well, yesterday I mailed my letter/application to return to Guruji's shala for this September. I am so excited to return to India for study and travel. Just being in India creates such a deep connection to yoga even more than I imagined. I am so blessed that wake Up Yoga provides me this great opportunity to take time off and really dive to the heart of yoga. It's crazy, teacher training begins days after my return. I will be so full and so ready to teach. When Manorama was here a few weeks ago she said "Jill, you are an ashtangi right?" I thought an accidental ashtangi for sure. The system is so simple really and so brilliant and so relevant to vinyasa. I am excited just sitting here. Much Love to anyone who reads these random musings.


Sungopolis said...

WOW! I wish I could go with you. Someday soon. When would you be going?

Sungopolis said...

Oh, you already said September. (I should really read more carefully.) That's great because my best friend from high school will be living in my house this summer and I told her what a great yoga instructor you are and now she wants to take the beginner's course with her hubby.