EVERY final Sunday of the month at the deLIGHTful Shri starting April 29th
SHABDA SUNDAYS - Sound as Light
Jill Manning is a student of Sanskrit as the Path of Luminous Shabda. She will lead these classes the last Sunday of each month, inviting students to learn the Sanskrit alphabet, yoga sutra call and response and meditation. We invite all levels to join in and experience this rich, warm practice.
Shabada Sundays will begin Sunday, April 25 and are scheduled for 90 minutes, at a discount, $10.
Teaching this at Motion Center
May 2 - Introduction to Sanskrit: The Language of the Heart, the Language of Integration with Jill Manning
This workshop is designed to introduce students of Yoga to Sanskrit as the language of Yoga and the language of light (Luminous Shabda). In this first meeting, (hopefully there can be more) we will focus on the vowel sounds--specifically how and where they resonate on the palate. We will also begin to uncover how understanding the diacritical marks can significantly improve pronunciation for chanting. We will practice learning selected mantra's, asana names, and call and response chanting from the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali.